Transforming Education: HERI Foundation Renovates Classrooms and Provides Desks for Funguni Primary School

Overview of the Event

In a remarkable event held at Funguni Primary School in Pangani, Tanga, the HERI Foundation it has demonstrated its commitment to advancing education by handing over two renovated classrooms and 40 desks. The occasion was graced by government leaders, including Pangani District Commissioner, Hon. Zainab Abdallah. The event marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of creating a conducive learning environment for the students of Pangani.

Conditions of Classrooms and Desks Before and after repair

Funguni Primary School Class before renovation
Funguni Primary School Class before renovation
Funguni Primary School Class after renovation

Before the intervention by the HERI Foundation, Funguni Primary School faced numerous challenges with its infrastructure. Dilapidated classrooms, walls, blackboards and desks were just a few of the pressing issues.

Recognizing the dire circumstances, the HERI Foundation stepped in to refurbish two classrooms and provide a total of 40 desks, including 20 new ones. These classrooms and desks were in a state of disrepair, rendering them unusable.

The highlight of the Day of the Event

The day of the event was filled with profound appreciation and enthusiasm for the positive change brought about by the HERI Foundation. Hon. Zainab Abdallah, the Head of Pangani District, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the HERI Foundation for their unwavering dedication to educational development in the region. Stressing the significance of education and the importance of well-maintained infrastructure, she commended the HERI Foundation for its commitment to uplifting disadvantaged communities. 

Susan Ngole, the Executive Director of the HERI Foundation, shared her joy at being able to contribute to the growth of Funguni Primary School. She highlighted the organization’s core mission of improving the educational environment for effective teaching and learning. Susan expressed her satisfaction with the successful renovation of the classrooms and desks, ensuring that students could now resume their studies without hindrance. 

Principal Flora Mayaka of Funguni Primary School expressed her delight at the new classrooms and desks, emphasizing their transformative impact on the student’s learning environment. She acknowledged that the improved facilities would not only provide a conducive space for education but also inspire the students to dream big and achieve their full potential.

More Photos

Before the renovation inside the classroom
After the renovation inside the classrooms
Before the renovation outside the classroom
After the renovation outside the classroom
Before renovation of the roof
After renovation of the roof

HERI Foundation Visits Tanzania Association of the Deaf

HERI Foundation Visits CHAVITA

HERI Foundation had the opportunity to respond to an invitation from the Chairman of the Tanzania Association of the Deaf, Habibu Mrope, which aims to discuss the various challenges they face.

The problems identified in the discussions were the lack of funding for running the party, the lack of permanent offices, the lack of education for people with hearing impairments, and the lack of special hearing aids.

HERI Foundation Visits  CHAVITA
Annual Symposium on the Deaf in Mwanza, Tanzania

In addition, the CHAVITA leadership requested a sum of money that will enable them to participate in the Annual Symposium on the Deaf in Mwanza, held annually worldwide. HERI Foundation enabled two CHAVITA representatives to attend the Conference, held in Mwanza region.

HERI Foundation will continue to support the efforts made by individuals, and various institutions in promoting better Education and Health for all.

HERI Foundation Visits Tanzania League of the Blind


HERI Foundation led by Executive Director Ms Susan Ngole had an opportunity to visit the Tanzania League of the Blind, Temeke Branch and met with the Executive Committee led by Chairman Othman Gondwe; where we had a thorough discussion on the challenges they face and together brainstormed on sustainable solutions.

HERI Foundation was able to provide some white canes to assist them with movements and promised to work closely with the TLB in the near future.

  • heri-foundation-tanzania-league-of-blind