HERI Foundation Visits Tanzania Association of the Deaf

HERI Foundation had the opportunity to respond to an invitation from the Chairman of the Tanzania Association of the Deaf, Habibu Mrope, which aims to discuss the various challenges they face.

The problems identified in the discussions were the lack of funding for running the party, the lack of permanent offices, the lack of education for people with hearing impairments, and the lack of special hearing aids.

HERI Foundation Visits  CHAVITA
Annual Symposium on the Deaf in Mwanza, Tanzania

In addition, the CHAVITA leadership requested a sum of money that will enable them to participate in the Annual Symposium on the Deaf in Mwanza, held annually worldwide. HERI Foundation enabled two CHAVITA representatives to attend the Conference, held in Mwanza region.

HERI Foundation will continue to support the efforts made by individuals, and various institutions in promoting better Education and Health for all.

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