Make a Donation

To 'Leave a Mark That Makes a Difference'

Your donation enables HERI Foundation to carry out our mission of ensuring increased access to quality healthcare and education for all regardless of geographical location, ethnic group, gender, age or any form of disability.

heri foundation tanzania

Ways to Donate


Checks can be mailed to:

HERI Foundation, 

Morocco, New Bagamoyo Road, Urisino Estate, Plot No. 17, P. O Box 6133, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Bank Transfer

If you would like to donate using Bank Transfer, please send your donations to:

Bank: CRDB

Account Name: HERI Foundation

Account Number: 0150667794100

Donation Receipt

Every donor will receive a report and/or a photo once the next step has been taken. If you wish to receive a donation receipt, please state the name, address and email to which it is to be issued on the form below or you can write to:

Thank you for your support, we are incredibly grateful to you for being part of HERI Foundation.